
Celebrating World Environment Day News

5 June, 2024

Today, on World Environment Day, we recognize the critical role of international development efforts in ensuring that we pass on to future generations a green, clean and livable planet. Cowater International is committed to advancing a more resilient and sustainable future for all through our work in sustainable forestry and agriculture, our efforts to promote clean and renewable energy,  our commitment to prioritize the unique climate-induced vulnerabilities affecting women and vulnerable groups, and our focus on strengthening the institutions and policies needed to ensure a responsible use of natural resources.

In Peru, the recently completed MEGAM Peru Project has engaged national and provincial authorities in improving the legal and regulatory framework for environmental management in the mining and energy sector. Learn more about our support to the regional government of Piura.

In Ghana, our ongoing Canadian-funded SIGRA Project is engaging national ministries, regional actors and civil society organizations to strengthen gender-responsive investments in climate adaptation through funding and institutional support for climate adaptation planning and budgeting. Learn more about SIGRA here.

Our work in Burkina Faso is supporting vulnerable communities in the conflict-affected Sahel region to sustainably manage water resources and boost women-led small enterprises through income-generating waste management practices. Community ownership and mobilization is at the heart of what we do and a key element of long-term sustainability. Learn more about our efforts to ensure sustainable access to drinking water in the Sahel region from the latest British Expertise International report on Water Resilience (pages 29-31).

The Cowater-led SPARC Programme – a regional research and knowledge initiative – aims to identify key challenges and opportunities to address the complex intersection of climate, conflict and gender considerations in Sub-Saharan Africa. SPARC is engaging local researchers and community voices to drive policy solutions and unlock investment opportunities that can support sustainable deelopment for the pastoralist communities of the Sahel.

To learn more about Cowater’s work in the climate and environment sector, click here.

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