Local governance and economic development

1Facilitating the sustainable and inclusive growth of cities, communities and local economies

Cowater understands the immense potential of urbanization to reduce poverty, increase inclusive growth, and improve quality of life for people. We also understand that realizing this potential requires sound local governance, long-term planning, and inclusive economic development practices. With that in mind, we strengthen local governance systems, improve investment climates and increase the quality of public services to create sustainable and thriving cities. We work with local governments and communities to establish affordable and reliable water and energy through smart utility projects. We help businesses grow and support efforts to increase women’s representation in the labour force to strengthen local economies.

Utility transformation

Cowater supports the transformation of public utilities into data-driven, financially sustainable, and demand-responsive entities. To promote this transformation, our team of experts deliver integrated interventions centered…

Trade and economic development

We work with governments, the private sector and civil society to strengthen enabling environments for growth while facilitating access to economic opportunities for SMEs. Our approach…
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Local governance and service delivery

Improving local governance entails building the capacity of sub-national governments to generate and manage revenue, adhere to transparent procurement practices, deliver quality public services, and manage…