Public financial management and accountability

Building strong institutions for a healthy public sector

Strong government financial management systems are crucial to ensure sound financing and management of public services and investments. Building on 30 years of supporting governments around the world, Cowater believes that strong public financial management and accountability systems are the essential foundation for economic development, reducing inequalities and improving social service delivery for citizens.

Public sector audit

Oversight of the public sector is an important and often overlooked pillar of the public expenditure function. As independent public bodies responsible for monitoring the use…

Public expenditure and macroeconomic management

Only sound management of public expenditures can lead to public programs that are result-driven, provide value for taxpayers' money and are aligned with government priorities and…

Domestic revenue mobilization

Tax systems are levers for economic development and effective tools to reduce inequalities and improve citizen wellbeing. Cowater has three decades of experience helping governments broaden…

Ethics, accountability and combatting corruption

Corruption undermines the trust that exists between governments and civil society and is bad for business. Our experts work with public sector institutions to improve their…

Financial sector and supervision

Our experts help countries develop the key drivers of social and economic growth through strengthening institutional development. We work with central banks to create strong, stable,…